Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Financial Advice Dubai - start sooner!

You don’t have to listen to me – you can listen to an independent “expert” – but what you have to do is call me NOW, not tomorrow or next year, but NOW!



Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Financial Advice Dubai - be careful who you deal with!

We all know which 3 Brokers “pester” the public the most, but interesting to see 1 of them in the News recently. Funny how they dress up the results of a recent “regulatory visit” (see attached). Were they in reality told to stop doing business with certain companies because of their “practices”?

Also interesting to see Bob Parker the CEO (pictured), no longer on the International Advisory panel………did he run or was he pushed? (also attached).

Here, a firm that had its license revoked only 4 years ago (see number 58 on the attached list).