Sunday, March 27, 2016

UAE Financial Advice: Capital Ideas

Quoting Warren Buffett in the 1960’s, shows that the general concept of his story hasn’t changed over time, even today.

There is a lot of value in steady, long term compound growth and you don’t need ridiculous returns to get rich: referring to a conservative passive index fund…(SP500?)


There is also a good point at the end of the article too:

"Long term real interest rates in advanced economies have fallen steadily from 4-5 percent three decades ago, to nothing at all today.

You don’t need to be Buffett to figure out that if you want to get rich by accumulating compound interest of zero, you'll be waiting a long time"


I have a low risk Fixed Income Portfolio available as an alternative to keeping money in the bank yielding zero… they’ll be waiting a long time to get rich off that money in the bank!”







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